Shawn Hirn wrote:
> Art, How hard would it be for public transit workers to be polite? This
> is the simple Golden Rule. I understand that user friendliness costs a
> lot of money and that it is typically beyond the control of your typical
> transit worker, but a little smile and giving directions to the woman in
> that story on how to break her $20 would cost SEPTA next to nothing.
> This applies to all public transit systems, not only to SEPTA. All
> public transit workers need to be more polite and put themselves in the
> shoes of their passengers if public transit is to grow more popular
> throughout the United States.
I have very limited experience providing repetitive interactive customer
service. I suspect though that it's difficult to be sunny and polite with
an irate customer who is asking you to do something that will cost you your
job if you do as the customer suggests. I also suggest that impolite
customers ala the woman who had a booth attendant turn off the microphone
cannot make politeness easy. I'm not suggesting the booth attendants could
not have been more polite, but the 10th irate customer is likely harder to
tolerate than the first.
>> I suggest the woman who was the original rider likely would have trouble
>> in NYC too unless she has an unlimited metro card. The dispensers there
>> aren't all that reliable either. Septa cashiers in general cannot make
>> change, that's not their function. I note incidentally that there are
>> booths in NYC where you also cannot buy fare instruments or get change.
>> One more realistic question, how did the woman in question get to
>> somewhere on the Market Frankford line without running into a need for
>> paying the fare the first time?
> True, but that only means that both NYC's Metro workers and those at
> SEPTA need to be more sensitive to the needs of infrequent (and
> frequent) riders. Really, how much effort does it take to smile at a
> rider and tell her or him how to get the information he or she needs, or
> say, "I am very sorry, but I can't help you, we are not permitted to
> handle change?" Golden Rule.
Apparently the rider was told they could not make change and she had to use
one of the token dispensing machines. She was irate precisely because she
didn't want to buy two tokens at once and could not understand why Septa
didn't want booth attendants dealing with money. Sticky fingers, robberies,
collection difficulties, accounting and the cost of providing change all
make Septa's present practices at least understandable. The infrequent
rider is a challenge to serve and I note that a system that doesn't serve
regular riders well is more likely to fail than one that only pays cursory
attention to infrequent riders.