2007-12-12 14:19:55 UTC
The Delaware River Port Authority, which handles toll bridges in the
Phila aera, is deeply in debt and likely will need toll increases.
The Phila Inqr reported in detail the background for accummulating the
debt. It also compared other toll agencies to the DRPA.
See: http://www.philly.com/philly/news/homepage/20071212_DRPAs_painful_bridge_to_cross.html
Phila aera, is deeply in debt and likely will need toll increases.
The Phila Inqr reported in detail the background for accummulating the
debt. It also compared other toll agencies to the DRPA.
See: http://www.philly.com/philly/news/homepage/20071212_DRPAs_painful_bridge_to_cross.html